
Dievision Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH
Robert-Koch-Platz 10
30173 Hannover

Telefon: (0511) 28 87 91-0
Telefax: (0511) 28 87 91-99

Registered office: Hanover
Register court: Local court Hanover
Register number: HRB 55616
Managing directors: Jan Jaspersen, Axel Kempen, Dr. Stephan May

Value added tax identification: VAT ID No. DE 181 958 317

Platform of the EU Commission for online dispute resolution:

Note according to § 36 (1) VSBG: Dievision Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH is generally not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Terms of use

1. this website is subject to the following terms of use, which are bindingly agreed between the user, i.e. you, and the provider, Dievision Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH, each time this website is accessed. Insofar as special conditions for individual uses deviate from the following terms of use, this will be expressly indicated at the appropriate place on the website. The special terms of use shall then apply in addition in each individual case. We reserve the right to change, supplement, shorten or even completely discontinue our Internet offer at any time. We also do not guarantee that the content of our website is suitable for the user and his purposes.


2. our Internet offer is created on the basis of the German legal system and is intended for users and customers resident in Germany. We do not intend our website to be accessed from outside Germany. We assume no liability for our Internet offer being suitable, usable and legally permissible for users from other countries. There is no offer to consumers to conclude a purchase contract or service contract with us via our website or by other electronic means.


3. the website contains data and information of all kinds that are protected by trademark and/or copyright law in favor of the provider or, in individual cases, in favor of third parties. It is therefore not permitted to download, reproduce or distribute the website in whole or in part. Reproduction for technical reasons for the purpose of browsing and permanent reproduction for personal use is permitted.


4. subject to any contractual agreement to the contrary, you are granted the non-transferable right to download approved content to your computer for your own use and to print it out. Reproduction is only permitted for the intended use and for data backup. Any other use, processing, reproduction, transfer to third parties or other distribution of the content is not permitted. This applies both to content in file form and to printouts. Printed content may not be scanned for distribution in digital form. The content may also not be made accessible to the public, in particular via the Internet.


5. It is permitted to place a link to this website, provided it is for reference purposes only. The provider reserves the right to revoke this permission. The framing of this website is not permitted.


6. The provider assumes liability for the content of its website in accordance with the statutory provisions. We have carefully compiled the information contained in this website and endeavor to review it on an ongoing basis. Nevertheless, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness, up-to- dateness, completeness and ongoing availability of the information. We only provide binding information, advice, recommendations or statements in the context of individual communication. References and links to third-party websites do not mean that the provider adopts the content behind the reference or link as its own. The content does not establish any responsibility on the part of the provider for the data and information provided there, unless the provider is aware of the content and it is technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent the use of the links in the event of illegal content. The provider has no influence on the content behind the link. The provider is therefore not liable for illegal, incorrect or incomplete content or for damages caused by the use of content behind the link.


7. We reserve the right to change these terms of use from time to time and to adapt them to technical and legal developments.


Status: October 2017