Regional. Global. Digital.

Your digital agency to set new benchmarks.

Everything is becoming faster, simpler and more direct - in short: more digital. In order to reach users efficiently and effectively as a company, your communication must therefore also be digital.

As a digital agency, we support you in planning, designing and implementing digital activities and experiences. With state-of-the-art technology and future-proof solutions, we work together to shape your company's digital communication. We keep an eye on all current trends, are up to date with the latest technology and are constantly optimizing our processes. Whether web applications, social media, digital campaigning or SEO strategies - our entire digital expertise is at your disposal for strategy, conception, creation, production and distribution.

essentials - our digital competencies

For successful communication, you need experts in every discipline. We have these experts and they are just waiting to set new benchmarks for your company in these areas.

Web analytics

We measure the success of your advertising measures and strategies and evaluate the usage behavior of your recipients in order to sustainably optimize usability and user guidance.

Websites and web applications

From landing pages and stores to complex web applications or multi-sites, we support you in web conception, web design and the development and integration of APIs.


With our digital expertise, we support you in creating, managing, revising and publishing your content within your content management system.

Social Media

We work with you to define a strategy to determine which platform and which channel will help you achieve your goals. We can provide you with both selective support and all-round support, regardless of whether you need organic or paid content.

Digital Campaigning

As part of our media strategy, we develop data-driven creations, network all suitable and available tools and strategically play out your content on the right channels - whether locally, nationally or internationally.


With our SEO strategy, we optimize your digital presence on site technically and in terms of content in order to increase the visibility of your content.


With SEA, we generate the visibility you need. We support you from the initial selection of useful keywords to the copywriting of the ads to the display and optimization of the ads.

Flat-rate checks

In our flat-rate checks, we check your performance, conversions and SEO.

We are playable - go for it!

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    Jan Jaspersen und Dr. Stephan May

    Managing Director

    Tel. +49 511 28 87 91-0

    E-Mail welcome[at]

    Dievision – Agency for Communication

    Robert-Koch-Platz 10
    30173 Hannover